My lawyer's hourly fee is130 dollars. 我的律师的佣金是每小时130英镑。
The major ones would is property tax, lawyer's fee and insurance for your flat. 其他主要的费用有物业税、律师和保险费。
How much will your lawyer's fee be? 你将付多少律师费?
Studies on the Institution of Lawyer's Fee Payment by Transmission 律师费转付制度刍议
On Lawyer's Legal Service Charge System in Our Country Reflections on China's Current Audit Fee Rule and Audit Fee Situation 律师收费制度研究对我国审计收费制度及收费现状的理性思考
Should the Lawyer's Fee of the Winning Party Be Paid by the Losing Party ﹖ 败诉方该不该为胜诉方律师买单之我见
Losing Party Should Bear the Lawyer's Fee Paid by Prevailing Party 论胜诉方的律师费用应由败诉方承担
The rule's formulation of the lawyer's fee and the standard of the price is a kind of administrative regulation to the market, which inevitably result in the opportunities for rent-seeking and activities concerned. 律师服务收费办法的制定与政府指导价标准的设立是政府对市场调节的一种行政干预,不可避免地导致寻租机会和寻租活动。